On Sunday last week I got a text message from one of my team members that has been with us for over 4 years.  “Are you available to meet with me sometime this week?”  These text always mean one of two things, especially from someone like her who never complains and does an awesome job: 1. something really bad is wrong or 2. she’s leaving.  We met Monday afternoon at Starbucks and she informed me that she was leaving.  Although I’m very sad that she is leaving, I’m also very happy for her because she his exploring another opportunity.  She is a college graduate, but has yet to discover what she wants to do for a career.  Over the past few years I’ve had many conversations with team members about “what” they want to do for a career.  Some decide to stick with Chick-fil-A, some join the military, some decide to find other careers.  I help them see the pros and cons of opportunities, but one thing I never do is guilt them into staying and working for me.  I believe a team member motivated by their own desire and contentment is so much better than a team member motivated by fear, force, guilt or manipulation.
Through my mixed emotions, I challenged her to stop asking “what am I going to do?” and “where am I going to do it?”  Instead, ask “why am I doing what I’m doing?” and “who do I want to be?”  The “what” and the “where” are not as important as the “why” and the “who.”  If you can discover the “why” that gives you purpose and the “who” that gives you meaning, then you can do any “what” any “where.”  I have spent a lot of time over the years thinking about this for myself.  My personal mission statement is “To have influence by aligning with what God is doing in my life and the lives of others that cross my path.”  I love Chick-fil-A and the opportunity I have as a franchisee.  I believe it is one of the best platforms to do what I feel I’ve been called to do.  However, I’m so clear on my “why” and “who I am” I can do any “what” any “where.”  I challenge you to spend some time getting clear on the “why” and the “who” this week.
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