What’s Your Natural Leadership Style?


Counting Beans

Here in North Georgia it's been a very dry summer and as a result, I had to buy some hay last week for my cows.  It's usually December or January before I have to start feeding hay.  Unfortunately, I wasn't at home when the guy delivered my hay and rolled it off his...

Opportunity to Serve

Today's blog is a little different. It's been three weeks since I have posted and a lot has happened since then!  The first week we were on vacation in Saint Joe Beach, Florida.  I have to say it was the most relaxing vacation we have ever had and was truly refreshing...

Cultivation of the Heart

This past week I spent Thursday through Sunday (which is why I didn't write a blog last week) in the wilderness of Colorado searching for the "long and narrow road."   Although, the purpose of this blog isn't to write about my spiritual journey, the cultivation of the...

How do you want to be remembered?

When we bring on a new team member at our restaurant, I spend about an hour and a half with them doing what I call my "vision and values" session.  My goal, by the end of our time together, is to help them see that working at Macland Crossing is so much more than...

Who are you?

On Sunday last week I got a text message from one of my team members that has been with us for over 4 years.  “Are you available to meet with me sometime this week?”  These text always mean one of two things, especially from someone like her who never complains and...

Embrace Winter

Earlier this week I was meeting with one of my leaders for coaching and we talked about her current season in life.  We both agree that she is in a winter season of her life that is beyond her control.  This leader has always had a growth mindset and winter is...


"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun." Ecc 3:1  You don't have to convince a farmer to be prepared for winter, but understanding that EVERYTHING HAS SEASONS can change your life!  Several months ago, I had a meeting with a...


Walking through the grocery store and putting vegetables in your cart doesn’t have the same effect as planting seeds in the soil and watching them grow!  How a small seed becomes a vine, plant or tree that produces fruit or vegetables is an absolute miracle in and of...

Growth Mindset

Leader Farming requires personal growth and helping others develop a growth mindset.  Developing a growth mindset starts with how you see the world, abundant or scarce.  A farmer doesn't worry about the grocery store running out of food because he knows how to grow...

Grass is Greener

A few weeks ago all of my cows got out of the pasture and two were hit by a truck.   One of my calves didn't make it, the other (a heifer) seems to be doing fine.  I was already planning to fix my pasture fence, but this expedited the process significantly.  I was...

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